

Other than belief work, which focuses on identifying and transforming unconscious limiting beliefs into beliefs that serve the soul and help the soul to live its purpose, meditation is one of the most powerful modalities that I both practice and teach.

Meditation is so amazing and divinely exquisite; because, in the midst of chaos and dissonant circumstances, it allows us to tap into that which is unchanging and constant in life. 


What is Meditation?

Meditation is the practice of calling the mind into a state of calm and peacefulness, or going beyond the mind by focusing on that which is unchanging and ongoing deep within.

Meditation can clear the mind, reduce stress, train the mind, change your health, and most importantly create a deep peace and serenity in life.


How Does Meditation Work?

In meditation, we learn to identify and tune into that which is unchanging and constant in life. We focus on the steady flow of energy, vastness, or love that flows beneath all the mind’s chatter.

We let the rest of our thoughts, beliefs, life, just happen in our mind as we keep staying with what is innate, divine, loving, steady, and eternal. We keep our feet firmly in the flow of what is true and constant within ourselves and all beings.

Learning to stay in the flow of our true being creates change without us even identifying beliefs.

If you have never meditated or think that you have never meditated, I sometimes start with guided visualization to give the mind something positive to busy itself with while you begin to become reacquainted with that ancient beautiful restful place within.

Then we move into a more quiet style of meditation, with music, and some mental and energetic exercises, still softening and relaxing even deeper into that place even more. If wanted, we can do some basic stretching to help you deepen. 

Then we move into a silent meditation style.

One of the huge benefits of meditation is that once you have experienced this place of rest, peace, and rejuvenation deep within, it becomes easier and easier to call upon that feeling at any moment throughout your daily life.

That peaceful place becomes the backdrop or foundation for our everyday life. Being able to remember and feel what life is all about at will, brings us soul-fulfillment. We then move into the feeling of living from that place deep inside us for increasingly longer periods of time through out our daily lives.

Katherine came into our home and spent days with us revamping the ‘days in the lives’ or our family from dawn till dusk. Now we are cooking and juicing together, meditating together, and having very colorful, caring, and interesting talks together as a family. We are way more real, at peace, feel much better in our bodies, and with each other.